Trademark Registration

Advantages & Benefits
Trademark is an important asset of any company. Any business is known by its name and protecting the name is equal to protecting the business.

Protection against Copycats
Nobody will dare to copy your brand name once it is a registered trademark

Registered brand is Most valuable asset of the Company
Many brands in the world value their trademark more than their any other physical assets. Brand value is derived only when the company has absolute right over the brand name through trademark protection

Helps in expansion of business and growth
Trademark can be rented and royalty can be earned under licensing agreement. Franchising model solely depends upon trademark licensing and transfer.

Helps in image building and credibility in Market
Customers give more preference to registered brands with TM tag
Requirements & Deliverables
- Identity proof of Trademark owner
- Can use (TM) symbol in a single day
- One page authorization letter
- Free Legal search report
- Soft copy of Logo (also can be applied without logo)
- Complete online process
Contact Us

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